Another young man was shot in the head outside a down town nightclub. It is not known what the cause or why the killing. There's still a shooting a day going down. The perpetrators are not professional as before and many can't shoot straight. Canadian troops continue to die in Afghanistan and they continue to participate in the poppy eradication efforts. I'm sure if the Taliban,which don't believe in drink, came to Canada in force and began destroying stills of the major breweries, we would be blowing them up at every opportunity. I've noticed a tendency of drug law proponents to site other countries' drug policies to justify our own. What they don't mention is the immense pressure that we (Americans) put on these governments to follow us down the drug war path through treaties and declarations that give these governments little choice. Meanwhile, we continue to finance our wars and covert government destabilization efforts with drug-for-gun deals. I have yet to listen to a drug war proponent that has a sane, reasoned approach to drug policy. How can they when the policies are all racist in origin and are borne out of ignorance, fear and hysteria? After almost 100 years of trying to jail our way out of the drug problem, drugs are purer, cheaper and easier to get than ever. People come out of prisons having gone in simple drug users and come out bitter, angry and often with payback in mind. A person that's spent a few years in a federal maximum security institution is harder, stronger and a whole lot more dangerous. When in the beginning they were mellow, laid back individuals. This I know from personal experience. It took me more than a decennary to get my feet back on the ground.The only thing that saved me from going back for a very long time was luck. Jail is no place for innocent drug users who's only crime is the youthful need to experiment.
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